Představujeme moji novou sérii: Footjob Ranking! Kde hodnotím různé techniky footjob
867 100%
This is a reboot of my series Footjob Tutorials and it aims to see the tutorials under a different POV. Instead of seeing individual positions technically, I will evaluate them based on 3 criteria, giving a vote from 1 to 10: 1) Difficulty level: Higher the lever higher the difficulty 2) Level of sexual pleasure: Higher le level higher the plesure it gives 3) "Certainty of cumshot": I think this is pretty self explanatory haha I really hope you will like this series! It requires a lot of work and time and since you liked Footjob Tutorials so much, I think you will love it! I am also very curious to know your opinions and your personal votes on these positions. Thanks again ❤️
Video Transcription
Ciao a tutti, sono NitalianFootJobber e benvenuti sulla mia serie FootJob Ranking, dove valuto
varie tecniche con le seghe coi piedi.
Questa è una specie di reboot della mia prima serie, FootJob Tutorials, riguardo le mie
lezioni sulle seghe coi piedi.
Questa nuova serie vuole vedere da un punto di vista diverso i tutorials, invece di vedere